Thursday, June 18, 2009

Kaitlyn's Must Haves

I went to two baby showers last weekend - one for my friend Lauren and one for my friend Anna. I've realized that now that I am a mom I buy presents differently. I used to get anyone having a baby the cutest little dress up clothes I could find, but now I'm a little more on the practical side. I got to thinking of all the things I could not have done without when it came to Kaitlyn, so I thought I would blog them. :)

The boppy pillow has by far been used the most. I used it in the
hospital, at home for feedings, Kaitlyn would lay down in it, and we
used it when she was learning to sit up as a "buffer." Darcy even
loved curling up in it, which is fine because the covers easily zip off
and can be thrown in the wash.

We tried different types of bottles, but the Dr. Brown ones are the ones she really took to. She can drink a whole bottle without stopping once for a burp! They are amazing!!

When we first had Kaitlyn I said I would hand wash every
bottle...yeah....I don't know what I was thinking. The
dishwasher basket works great and is such a time saver!

I know it's funny looking, but this chair is awesome! It really helped Kaitlyn learn how to sit up, and was great when she was just about to, but couldn't on her own. It also has an optional play tray that is good for toys or when she was just learning how to eat.

Seriously, probably the cheapest "toy" she has. Kaitlyn
would be happy playing with these all day long if we let
her. Plus they make it easy to hook on other toys to
other things.

The jumperoo is well worth the money (even though we got it
from Cody's parents. It is so much fun to see her bounce and
giggle in it. Plus it makes it easy to have her in the room playing
while I'm cleaning or doing something else.

Kaitlyn has spoiled us with sleeping through the night almost as soon as we brought her home. I think this little guy might have something to do with it. We turned it on each night and she was mesmerized. It even got to the point where we would lay her down and she would turn her head to look at the turtle and just wait patiently for us to turn it on.

This toy is great!!! It lights up and talks (shapes, numbers, color, etc.) And it's not that loud. It makes it perfect for occupying her in public places. (Sometimes jingle stuffed animals just aren't enough!)
Kaitlyn loves pushing the buttons and has dropped it several times and the thing hasn't skipped a beat! I honestly don't know what we would do without this toy!

1 comment:

Heather said...

*Because I moved this from my old blog*

Amanda said...

Ok this is a great blog. Don't let me forget these great tips for Must Haves if I ever have kids lol!
June 23, 2009 at 12:54 PM

Clarissa said...

I also love that jumperoo -- I didn't have it when Caroline was a baby, but it has been a lifesaver this time around!
June 25, 2009 at 12:50 PM