Friday, October 1, 2010


So one of the things I really want to teach Kaitlyn is etiquette.

What? She's two Heather - get a grip. I know that's what you're saying.

Trust me, I'm not pushing anything too hard right now, but I am going to start her young so that it's more of a habit than a chore. There is just something sad about the loss of it in today's culture.

Now, if you're a friend of mine and I have wronged you in the etiquette department I'm sorry. I try my hardest, but I know I'm not perfect.

But I am going to try harder with my daughter. I want her to be a proper lady. A proper classy lady. Laugh if you must, but I don't care. :) Emily Post would want to be my friend. So there.

So one of the things my mom instilled in me was writing thank you notes. So I decided to let K help me out a little with her thank you notes for her birthday party - to make them extra personal. I would tell her exactly who each card was for and she would "draw" on it and repeat the name...over and over...and then probably a few more times than you're thinking as well. As you can see she took her job very seriously.

Emily Post would love my daughter too.

Except for the fact that her party was more than a week ago and I won't get them in the mail until probably tomorrow. But that's my fault not K's. :)

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