Friday, March 18, 2011

So Lucky!

What a great St. Patrick's Day I had this year! I'm on Spring Break and have been with K all week. Being a teacher is the perfect mom job! Each day K begged me to go to school, which I guess it's a good thing that she loves it so very much, but I wanted her to myself this week. But I did need to make a major grocery store run and those are sometimes better solo, so I took K to school for a little bit - long enough to see her friends and discover that a pesky leprechaun had been there. :) (Have I mentioned I LOVE her school?)

So I ran some errands - which also consisted of hitting up the grand opening of Nordstrom's Rack in Arlington that just happens to be two doors down from DSW...dangerous territory I tell you, dangerous. I walked away with not one pair, not two pairs, but FIVE pairs of shoes.

I may have a slight problem.

After my errand running I picked up K and we headed for Ulta. Ever since she figured out Mama has painted toenails she's wanted her's painted. I wanted her to pick out the color she wanted. All day long she told me she wanted red and she stayed true to herself and picked out a classic red color that I loved painting on her toes later that night. We turned on Mickey Mouse so that she was still while they dried and it worked like a charm. Before the nail painting occurred K and I went to walk around the park. The weather was beautiful and just called for it. :)

Daddy took us both out to dinner later and then we did a little more shopping. At the end of the day I was beat, but in such a blessed and thankful way. After K was in bed Cody and I put in a movie and I decided to go through some more of K's clothes that are too small to give away. I always get a little weepy when I do that because I can remember certain things we did when she was wearing certain things and I know that she is growing up way too fast. It's hard to believe that she'll be three this year. Three - no way.

Call it luck if you want, but I'm going to call it a blessing. I am so very thankful for my sweet family and my heart is so very full of love!

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