Thursday, December 30, 2010

30 Day Photo Challenge

One of my friends on facebook posted a 30 day photo challenge that she is doing for the new year. It seems fun, so I thought I would do it. Let's hope I'm better at this than I am with my days of thankfulness! Ha! :)

So Day 1: Post a picture of yourself and list 10 facts about you.

1. I love being a mother. Kaitlyn has brought me more joy than I knew I could ever have in my life. Each day is a new adventure and it just keeps getting better.

2. My husband is amazing. Nobody else in this world could make me as happy or frustrated than he can. He's my best friend and continues to make me laugh even when I don't want him to. :)

3. I'm doing exactly what I know I'm called to do. I love teaching and love knowing I'm making a difference in kids' lives.

4. I do not think my daughter will resent me for not being a stay at home mom. More power to the moms who do that - no judgment here, but I expect the same in return.

5. I don't let lots of people close to me. I have trust issues and this is why I don't. I have a few close friends who I adore, but they live way too far away from me. :( My sister-in-law lives in the same city as me and she's awesome. She's my saving grace!

6. I am not patient with most things in my life. I know, you're thinking, "And you're a teacher?" But rest assured I am VERY patient when it comes to my job. You have to be or you won't last! But I want instant gratification in other parts of my life. If I decide I want a new car or a new appliance I want it that day. I hate waiting for days for something.

7. I love montages. Seriously, I can not know a single person in them, but if the music and pictures are good I will still tear up.

8. My favorite color is blue. That's not very deep, but it's a fact. So there. :)

9. Shopping really is my therapy for a stressful day. I. love. it.

10. I love pictures. Always have and pretty sure I always will. I love taking pictures, editing pictures, looking at other people's pictures. I just love pictures - they tell so much. Hence my doing this challenge. :)

1 comment:

Peas & Carrots said...

Oooo, I love this!! and I'm so stealing it for my blog, lol :p