Sunday, December 23, 2007

"Magic" Moments

My husband will probably cringe when he finds out I'm writing this, but then again he always does when we talk about it. :)

Today in Sunday school we talked about love. We have been studying what each of the advent candles represent so today we were finally on love. We started the lesson by going around and having each couple tell of how they met and what set that person apart from all the other people in our lives - basically, how did we know our spouse was "the one." It was fun to hear how different every one's story was and it was neat to see people's faces as they reminisced on their love story. Well, then it got to be our turn and I started telling the story of how we met. I was so mad at myself though when I left because I had left out a big part of the story (at least I thought it was big, but honestly, nobody else probably cared) I forgot to tell our class that I can still remember the first time I heard Cody's name. It sounds like the dumbest thing in the world, but just hearing his name made me stop in my tracks - literally. I was walking to choir with a friend, Danielle, and she asked me if I had seen the new kid yet. I asked her what his name was and she said, "Cody Bush" and right then I froze. I felt as if someone had hit me in the stomach really hard. She asked me if I was okay and I kinda just brushed it off like it was no big deal. Anyway, to make a long story short (well, shorter anyway) we met and became friends. I would catch myself staring at him in choir and I even had dreams about him, which I hated at the time because I had a boyfriend, and we all know just how serious those crazy high school relationships were at the time. Haha. I would tell my friends that I couldn't stop thinking of him and that it bothered me because I didn't even really think of him in that way - not consciously anyway. So they started this joke of how Cody and I were secretly going to run off and get married - it's even written in my senior memory book. Little did I know...

So eventually I lost the boyfriend and he lost the girlfriend and we found our way to each other. Only thing was, I was four hours away since I had started college in Louisiana. We did the whole long distance thing for four and half years and then he proposed - that's why I'm writing this blog today. I ended up saying something about it in Sunday school, because, well, we didn't have the most normal of proposals and all I said was, "And then he did the oh so romantic proposal in the bathroom" and everyone laughed and I said it was a story to tell another time. I had forgotten about it, but in the car Cody was talking about how I "just had to bring that up again." I felt so bad and I tried to explain to him that it didn't matter and it made a good story.

Yes, it happened it a bathroom. We had a "normal" date day. He took me to the Dallas World Aquarium, we went out to eat at a great place, and then he was driving me back to my parents' house. Well, the sun was out and I went to pull the visor down to keep it out of my eyes. Cody had put the insurance information on the ring up in the visor so it all came down in my lap. So, now I knew he had the ring - and honestly, it was no big surprise in the first place since we had actually looked for one together at first. Anyway, that made him upset which in turn made me upset and I did my little immature thing of, "Well, you might as well ask me right now." He didn't think it was funny and then a little arguement turned into a bigger arguement and then I did another oh so mature thing of storming into my parents' house and locking myself in the bathroom. I tend to try to ignore problems - something I'm still working on.... Eventually Cody and I talked it all out (through the bathroom door) Well, I opened the door and he was down on one knee. There I was walking out of the bathroom and he's right by the sink about to propose. I'm thinking - no, no, this is all wrong. This is not my magic movie, make me want to faint I'm so in love moment. I think I actually said please don't do this now. I looked down at him and his entire body was shaking. He said something like, "Heather, I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you - will you marry me." Of course I said yes and now here we are married for over a year.

Here's the deal what if we didn't have the "perfect proposal?" So what if things didn't happen the way I had planned when I was a little girl? That's real life. I would rather be so sure of the love I have for him that made me say yes no matter how he asked. I've had friends that have had proposals that would put celebrities to shame, but then later they ended up not getting married because of one doubting or even cheating. Now, I've also had friends that have had great proposals and are now happily married - and that's great for them! But Cody and I, well, things are never quite "perfect" and it's turned into more of a running joke with us now. But thank goodness we have each other and so much love between us - to me that is what makes us perfect. I'm learning to not expect "movie moments" in life, but I know that I am so very lucky to have MY moments. Sure, everything would be better if it was scripted, but how boring would that be? I know my husband loves me and he lets me know that each and every day and I could not ask for more than that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! How super romantic and cute... I loved what you said about everything not being storybook...SO true! Life's about the special & seemingly funny moments that are unscripted:) Love ya'll lots!