Sunday, October 25, 2009

Not So Fun Weekend

I cleared my camera of lots of pictures this past week because I knew I was going to take a zillion this weekend. We had planned on taking Kaitlyn to a pumpkin patch in Grapevine Saturday with some friends and then our church has a HUGE carnival called First Fest that was this Sunday. I love the fall and Halloween so I was just so excited to get Kaitlyn out in all of it. We couldn't last year because she was so little and on "lock-down" orders from her doctor.

Then Saturday morning came....

Cody woke her up and I was in the kitchen baking some muffins. Cody said when he woke her up her body felt really hot so he took her temperature. It was 101.6. Not good I'm thinking, but I fed her breakfast anyway because she was laughing and carrying on like nothing was bothering her. Then after breakfast I took her temp again - it was now over 102, so Cody called the doctor and off we went. Of course now I'm just about crying and thinking she has H1N1 or something worse. But the doctor tested for it and the test came back negative. He checked her ears, nose, and throat and they all looked good. So he said it was probably something viral in which case there was nothing we could do but wait it out.

So, no pumpkin patch or carnival for Kaitlyn. Number one she needed to get better and number two I don't want her to give this little bug to anyone else. She's been in the best mood all weekend though. Her appetite has been great, but she hasn't been drinking much which freaked me out because I don't want her getting dehydrated. We tried gatoraide, pedialyte, and even sprite. She didn't want any of it. So when she wouldn't even drink her normal water that she loves I started forcing it down with a syringe. Needless to say that didn't make her too happy, but it kept her hydrated! Today her temp spiked back up to 103.5, but after some Motrin again it went back down and has stayed down since. I'm still keeping her home tomorrow because I want to make sure she's better.

This just goes to show you have to roll with the punches. I can plan and plan all I want, but there is always going to be something that can kink it up. As for the pictures...I'm going to get some somehow. She will only be this small this year and I can't pass that up. There are several pumpkin patches that stay open until dusk so maybe one day this week she'll be better and the weather will be nice. I can't get the carnival ones, but she'll be in her costume on Halloween night. It does bum me out that we couldn't get all the cute pictures with our friends, but I am just so very thankful that she is going to be okay and it wasn't something worse than it is.
In her highchair as her costume waits for next least I can say I finished it on time!

Even sick, droopy eyed, and in her pjs I think she's adorable!

1 comment:

Heather said...

*Because I moved this from my old blog*

Clarissa said...

Aw Heather ... I am sorry K. is sick and sorry you missed something you have been looking forward to for so long :( I know it is disappointing. Hey, I really like your table decor, though! Anyway, you have a good attitude and I know you will find a way to have some costume fun this week and get some cute pictures. Hope the little one feels better soon!
October 25, 2009 at 10:18 PM