Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Dorky Mom

Yep - I'm a dorky mom now. I finally have come to terms with it. I was in line tonight at Target and I turned into that mom that I've seen for years. Whenever I bought a baby gift there seemed to always be a mom behind me that chimes in her two sense after the clerk said something about how cute it was. Something like, "I can't believe they make white shirts." or "My son hated/loved that toy!" Well - that mom is now me. I know! I'm so disappointed at myself, but when I saw the couple in front of me and their precious little son and the cute riding toy they were buying for him my words just started flowing like water. Now, if you know me at all I am not the type to just start talking to a stranger, but that's who I was tonight. Talking about when Kaitlyn starting liking those toys and that I bought this toy when she was this age, etc. etc. They were so sweet and didn't think I was crazy (well, at least I hope not!) but as I walked to my car after I checked out (buying a baby gift for someone else oddly enough) I thought to myself, "I am so that dorky mom in Target now." And pretty sure that won't be the last time my inner dork comes creeping out. But when you get me started about my K good luck shutting me up! :P

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