Wednesday, March 24, 2010

It's the little things that mean the most

I left choir practice at church a little early tonight to pick up Kaitlyn at my parents' house. It was pouring down rain and of course my umbrella was in the car. As I was walking down the hall my husband popped up right beside me which surprised me. Since we don't sing the same parts we don't sit together and I usually leave just a few minutes early because of K's bedtime. So I wasn't expecting to see him. Of course the first thing out of my mouth was, "What are you doing?" He answered so matter of factly - "It's raining. I'm going to get your car for you." I. love. that. man. So that's exactly what he did, and as I drove away in the rain and he was walking in it I thanked God for letting me be with such an amazing man that thinks of all those little things!

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