Friday, May 30, 2008

20 Weeks?!?!

Gosh - are we really there? Yesterday was officially the 20 week mark. I have been reading my prenancy book week by week - well, sometimes I peek into the next week, but for the most part I stay on track. Yesterday when I read the 20 week chapter it started out, "You have officially reached the halfway point!" I can't believe that's already here! Of course if you had talked to me about two months ago I thought the first trimester would never be over! Now I'm past all the morning sickness and yucky feelings. I have a TON of energy during the day which had been missing there for a while. The only big problem now is sleeping - I just cannot get comfortable! I'll lay on one side for a few minutes and then I start to hurt. So then I'll flip to the other side and the vicious cycle just keeps going!! I wake up each morning to find the sheets almost pulled off the bed from all my tossing and turning. Thank goodness Cody is a heavy sleeper or he'd never get sleep! And of course I have had to cut my wardrobe choices down because over half my stuff won't fit over the baby bump...oh the joys! :)

But 20 weeks just doesn't seem possible. I just keep thinking, "Wow, that's only 20 more weeks left until she's here!" We're not even close to being ready! We had said we wanted to move before she got here - the two story thing isn't working for us. We have two bedrooms upstairs and one downstairs. We would like to go ahead and move into a one story house with more bedrooms, but now that it's almost June and we only have 20 weeks to go until she gets here (and that's assuming she doesn't come early!) I just don't see that happening. So if anyone knows anyone that really wants to buy a house....let me know! :)

Oh, and we went ahead and started our registries - we've already had someone say they wanted to throw us a shower in July so we thought it would be fun to go ahead and get that going. Talk about overwhelming! Sure, I was the typical me and researched consumer reports on the strollers, car seats, etc. but when we got to the bottle section I just stared and stared. Who knew there were so many types of bottles? Not me for sure! I literally almost cried right there in the store. My loving husband just put his hand on my back and led me away saying we could read up on all that and come back later. So the next day I started asking everyone at work which bottles they used and I got about four different answers...solved nothing. I guess Kaitlyn will just have to let us know what she likes and doesn't like! All I know is that my first objective for the summer is to read and read about babies, but something tells me I still won't feel as prepared as I want to be - and I've only got about 20 more weeks to get myself ready!

1 comment:

Heather said...

*Because I moved this from my old blog*

Kristi said...

The time does fly by.. before you know it she will be about to turn 7 like my Kadyn is! As I am recovering and not doing much, I just read through both of your blogs.... where do you go to church? Also, where did you get the CUTE template for your Bushling blog?
June 12, 2008 at 8:19 AM