Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Day of Firsts

Wow - today was a really big day for Kaitlyn. At least in Mama's eyes it was. She had three first today...although she really only got to experience two of them.

1. She got her first potty
2. She (and by she I mean me) signed up for her first dance class
3. She got her first golf club (Very big deal for Daddy)

Now, with the first one - Don't think I'm a crazy mom pushing my kid that's not ready. She is showing signs of being ready, and well, honestly I had a coupon for the potty so I wanted to use it. :) She is able to say the "potty words" and knows what they are and can tell me after she has gone, which "they" say is a start. She also hides when she wants to go which apparently is also a sign she's almost ready. So Ms. Pam (K's sitter while I'm at work) let me borrow an Elmo Potty Training dvd. I put the potty in the living room while she watched it. I didn't expect her to use it there (I'm not that gross!) but I wanted her to feel comfortable with it and not be scared of it later. She watched the dvd and even put her Elmo doll on the potty. I guess I'll take that as a good sign??? But she only sat down on it for about two seconds and that was enough for her. I know I have plenty of time, so I'm not going to rush anything. But today was still a big day for her in regards to the potty! :) Wow...I just realized I'm blogging about a potty...when did I become a person like that....oh my!
Secondly was her dance class. I guess it's not really dance yet. That starts in the Fall. The class she will be taking this summer is tumbling. There is a really great studio here in Arlington that is actually based on Christian values. So as she gets older I won't have to worry about her dance group ending up on YouTube for their version of Single Ladies. (If you don't know what I'm talking about just google it...and know that WILL NEVER BE my daughter!) The assistant director goes to church with us and was really excited about K being there. She knows her from Sunday School and said she would fit right in! :) Trust me - my girl loves to dance! I know it won't be anything too spectacular for a few years, but man it's going to make for some cute pictures and videos! She even has to wear a leotard! I love that!!! Her first class was supposed to be this Thursday, but Cody is taking me to Wicked for my birthday so she will actually start next week. I can't wait!!!

Then third - her golf club. Cody went to Target to buy a few things we needed and ended up coming home with a golf club and ball. I've seen plenty of golf sets while I'm out shopping, but I told Cody I would let him pick out her first one. Golf is his thing. And we've both said we want K to play when she's older (if she wants), but trust me - I will be doing zero of the teaching. I've played once and gone to the driving range with Cody a few times. It's not a pretty sight people. Putt-putt is about as far as my golfing skills go and that's pushing it. But Cody gave her a few pointers and K was in love! She wanted to keep playing with the club inside, so it's now a toy that will be kept in the garage until outside time. :)

When did my baby get so big? A potty? Dance lessons?? Golfing??? Someone help me find the pause button on her growing up! I cannot believe she is almost two!!!

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