Monday, August 6, 2012

Little by Little ;)

The school I'm transferring to next year is Little and that's how this organizing process is going - little by little.  But it is getting there.  :)

My hubby was off work last Friday and was able to keep K so that I could go sweat it out at school.  I spent a little over six hours there and was able to get a lot of organizing done.  I still have some more to do, but I made a lot of progress.  I moved furniture around a lot and was able to start seeing how our classroom would function.  I'm itching to start the actual decorating part, but I won't let myself until everything is put away for the most part.

This was the very first shelf that I organized.  It's the new home to most of my art supplies.  Labels will come soon!  :)

For the time being my picture books that don't fit on the big shelf had to go above my lockers.  I don't love it, but it is what it is for right now.  See the hanging shelf?  Yeah, it's broken and it almost knocked me out cold the other day.  Oh the surprises that come with a new room!  This is when I'm very thankful I'm married to a man who is quite handy!

See that new cabinet?  I LOVE it!  My friend from high school (who is a kinder teacher) saw my pictures on facebook and asked if I wanted a shelf she had in storage.  Best $20 I've spent in a long time!  I put lot of math materials inside.  The best part?  I can close it!  :)  And that flower garland most likely will not be staying up there.  That was my attempt at taking it away from K without hurting her feelings.  ;)

My desk is hidden behind all those boxes and such.  The kiddos' mailboxes are there, my dry erase paddles, and my listening station books/cds/tapes are in the plastic tubs under the printer table.  My mom and I went fabric shopping the other day and found the cutest jungle print fabric for a curtain to hid the plastic tubs.  I have more storage under that table, but I'm not sure for what yet.  Trust me - I will use it though!  I also cannot wait to cover that chalkboard with paper.  I hate that green with the green on my walls!

One of the things I did on Saturday was tackle this baby.  Apparently the teacher who moved out of my room took most of her curriculum because it was organized in her cabinets and such.  So the teacher whose room she was taking dumped brought all her stuff to my room.

I managed to get it down to this.  I boxed all the decodable readers that I HATE.  Seriously - what kid wants to read books like, "The fat cat sat on the mat."  Ew.  Not sure where those are going yet, but I do not want them in my room!  These were the books that stayed in my keep pile.  

I rubber banded them up and shelved them.  Much better than being all crammed in a box.  It's like I have my own little slice of a bookroom in here.  :)

I still have all these to go through that the other teacher brought over.  SIGH.  

Here is my new rug that I bought at Ross.  I.  LOVE. THIS. RUG!!!!

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