Thursday, December 27, 2012

Oh Be Careful Little Eyes What You See

Sex - sexy - love making - etc. etc. etc.

Now, before you think I've gone crazy I will not be sharing ANY personal details about my marriage.  What this post is about is how many stinking places I have to see and hear about sex every day.  I finally got disgusted with the television and turned it off.  My poor daughter was exposed to the words sexy and sex 3 times in under 10 minutes.  What were we watching?  FAMILY FEUD.


This is what our society has become?  I can't even watch a game show with my daughter without the fear of her hearing something inappropriate?  And a game show with the name family in it?


I can't take her in the mall without seeing barely clothed women in Victoria's Secret's windows.  Heck, I can't even drive to the mall without passing a place called Cindy's that has "costumes" in the windows.

Don't even get me started about turning on the radio.

I can't stand this.  I just want to stick her in a bubble and say, "This is not beauty.  This is not love.  This is not who you have to be."  Right now she's 4 and easily listens to me.  What happens when she's 16 and thinks her mom knows nothing, but those girls at school do?

I don't want her to live a sheltered life, but my goodness!  I feel like we've all lost classiness.

Do boy moms worry about them being exposed to all this?  I'm sure it's hard to bring up a Godly man when there is temptation all around.  Do they grow up thinking women have to be like this?  I was so sadden a few weeks ago when the Victoria Secret fashion show came on.  Young teens from my church were posting about how excited they were that it was on.  Others were posting how fat they thought they were and how the show reminded them they needed to lose weight.  These girls were already smaller than most girls will ever be.

Why did we become this way?  How?  When did it get this bad?

Remember when Lucy and Ricky walked into their bedroom?  They had separate beds.  Sex was never once mentioned.

Now it's everywhere.  You can't even watch a family game show.  And if you do find a pretty decent show...well, just brace yourself for the commercials.  :( 

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