Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Goals

2012 was a great year for the Bush family! 

Here are a few highlights of our year:
*Cody got a new promotion in his company and LOVES his new job
*I was honored to receive the award of Arlington ISD's elementary teacher of the year
*We took an awesome anniversary trip to Hot Springs, AK
*We paid off Cody's truck
*Our sweet K turned 4
*I turned 30...sigh... ;)
*Our first "real" class of seniors at church went off to college and have thankfully stayed in touch
*I took a new job at a different school
*We put our house on the market

So...what does 2013 hold for us?  Hopefully a lot!  Here are some goals for the new year:

*More meal planning so I can utilize my time at home and save money...I did so good with this at the beginning of last year and slowly stopped. (Another post coming soon about this)
*Invite more people over to our house for more occasions
*Get a new house (This will really help out with the above goal!)
*Celebrate Cody's 30th (PARTY!!!)
*READ MORE - and not just teacher books
*Pray more together as a couple and as a family
*Find more ways to serve
*Encourage others more frequently

Overall, I just want to enjoy my precious family and friends more this year.  So many times this past year I was reminded how precious life is and that none of us know how much time we really have left with each other.  I want to learn to not spend time on the things that don't deserve it and devote my time to what means the most. 

So, welcome 2013!  I can't wait to see what you have in store!  :)

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