Sunday, July 13, 2008

Working Mother

I swear...if I get asked this question one more time I'm going to scream! "Are you going to teach next year?"

YES!!! Now, if you're one of the ones that has asked me it's okay - not a big deal. It kind of goes with that whole pregnancy politeness of, "How are you feeling?" I know it's a normal question that I'm sure every working pregnant woman gets asked, but the thing that bugs me is that when I'm quick to say that I am going to work I get this I feel sorry for you look from some people. That's the part that drives me nuts!

The truth is I 110% LOVE my job. I truly feel it is a me, if money were a deciding factor for me I wouldn't be teaching. I've never heard of someone thinking of going into teaching for the money - it just doesn't add up. Sure, the extra money does help, and we probably could afford for me not to work if we made some adjustments here and there, but I don't want to quit. I love what I do too much to stop, and I'm not getting my masters degree just because I'm bored or so I can stick some piece of paper on the wall and say, "Look what I did." I want to learn all I can about teaching and being the best teacher I can be. There is nothing better than hearing or reading about a new method and then seeing it actually work with a struggling student. Talk about rewarding! And honestly, I just don't see myself as the stay-at-home mom type. It's just not my personality - and I don't think that will make me less of a mom. Sure, I am going to love spending time with Kaitlyn and I will for sure enjoy the breaks and days off here and there, but I think I would go insane if I couldn't go back to work.

Now, at the same time I don't think any less of the moms who do stay at home. That works for them. Some people are just wired differently. And I've been told (mostly by moms who have ended up staying home) that I'll change my mind once she's here, but I don't think I will. I have such a desire for my job that I can't sounds silly, but again, I just love it. But yes, I do get upset when I think about how I'm going to have to leave Kaitlyn already when I do go back to work. And I know I'll cry when I do, and I'll be one of those crazy moms calling all the time at first just to make sure things are okay. But I'm not going to feel guilty for going back to work and I'm not going to let anyone else make me feel that way either. I strongly believe you can still be one amazing mother and work - trust me - I grew up with one! :)

1 comment:

Heather said...

*Because I moved this from my old blog*

Kristi said...

I am right on board with you. There have been MANY times I have wished I could stay at home with the kids-- but it finally really hit me this summer-- that is not who I am-- not what I am called to do--in fact for me, working makes me a better mother. This is just another area that we are created uniquely--by God's design. I have the utmost respect for those who do stay home with their kids-- and also have the uptmost respect for those moms who work- whether by choice or cirumstances. Thanks for sharing these thoughts!!!
July 14, 2008 at 7:26 PM

Sarah, Jay, and baby Langham said...

Hey Heather! So excited to see you have a blog! I didn't know I had another blogging buddy. :) I love updating everyone on my blog, so know I can have fun getting YOUR updates! :)
July 24, 2008 at 7:15 PM

The King Family said...

I'm glad you're one that can work and do motherhood. I am not. I missed out on so much with Cassidy growing up because of work, I couldn't do it with Colton. Thankfully, God has blessed us to where I can stay home. I feel He made Cassidy as independent as she is while I was working to where God could teach me a few things over the past 5 years. Now that I'm home, she's opened up a lot more to me. Plus, I worked so far away, my time with her was minimal. I didn't feel like a mother. Sorry-put my two cents in there :) She'll be here before you know it!
August 4, 2008 at 12:25 PM

Sarah said...

Hey there Heather.. I was on facebook and thought I'd check out your blog. You and I are on the same page..I'm not even pregnant and I get asked that question and receive the same look you're given. You will be an amazing mom and I'm sure Kaitlyn will look up to you some day for working and being the fabulous teacher that you are. :)
September 5, 2008 at 5:25 PM