Monday, July 13, 2009


I had such a bittersweet moment this past Saturday. It was the Hallmark Keepsake Ornament premier. If you read my baby blog you might know that this was a tradition that my grandmother did for every year since I was born. For each of her six grandchildren she would buy an ornament each year. I remember getting the Dream Book and circling my first and second choices. It was so wonderful because when I moved out of my parents' house I actually had ornaments for my tree.

My grandmother died last September. So there has already been a Christmas without her. It was sad to put up each ornament and realize that the person that was responsible for them being there was gone. I also bought the remembrance ornament that year in honor of her. But in July when the ornaments always come out she was still alive so I did get my ornament last year. It was the baby's first Christmas for Kaitlyn which I find just perfect being that it was the last one she ever gave me.

This year I knew that it would be hard for me to go through the whole process. But I went anyway - a tradition is a tradition and I know my grandmother would smile knowing that I was going. So as I walked into the Hallmark store I was really okay - just like any other shopping day. I went over the where the ornaments were. Then I saw her - a grandmother barely walking. She was with her daughter (I'm guessing) and was telling the saleslady exactly which ones she wanted...for her grandchildren. I got a huge lump in my throat and tried to fight back the tears. What a precious, precious moment that was, but it hurt my heart so much. I just wanted to hug her and tell her that what she was doing was amazing. And I thank God for allowing her to be there the same time I was. It reminded me just how special my grandmother was.

So as long as I'm alive and as long as there are still Keepsake Ornaments I'll keep buying them. I'm going to keep the tradition alive for Kaitlyn and hopefully even her own children one day. Then I can be that same special grandmother that started a tradition for someone else. But it all started with my amazing grandmother - Alice Jeanne Dixon.

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