Sunday, July 18, 2010

Cake Balls

One of the things I told myself I was going to do this summer was try a bunch of new recipes. I feel that since I'm a mom now I owe it to my family to cook more meals, so we've had some new dinners this summer - some that I will make over and over again because they are just that good...and some that I will forever block out of my memory. But part of my new recipe trying has to include dessert of course! So I decided to try out cake balls. I've heard a lot about them lately, but frankly the time that goes into them made me not want to try them. But I finally bit the bullet and made them. I must say they were pretty darn tasty - they weren't much to look at, but my mom always said the best desserts are the ones that are ugly and fall apart. :) I used cream cheese icing, so they were pretty rich - I could barely finish two and Cody couldn't finish three which is not normal for two people who have a sweet tooth like we do. But next time I think I won't make them as rich..or maybe a strawberry and chocolate combo...oh so many choices!!! But here is my first ever batch of cake balls in all their glory! :)


Cindy said...

Those are so good! But yes, very rich.

Peas & Carrots said...

Oh YUM! I've never heard of them...I must have the recipie :-) And isn't cooking so much fun! I love experimenting :p