Sunday, July 11, 2010

My Faults

Yep - you read that right - My Faults. I have no idea what has possessed me to write this blog, but I actually got the idea yesterday while reading something and thought I'd better not write that, but it's still on my mind and I thought what the heck. I might regret this but here goes nothing....

I'm not trusting of people. I've been hurt too many times and in too many ways.

I don't let people get very close to me. That kind of goes with the first one, but it's actually been such a downfall for me lately. All my friends who know me inside out don't live close - as in not even in the same state. I have friends here, but not that know me like my best friends do. I long for the days when I could call up one of best friends and they just knew I was having a bad day and we would go out to dinner or even just to walk around Target for hours.

I'm terrible at returning phone calls. And library books that I check out at the public library for my classroom library.

I am OCD about the weirdest things - especially food.

I am horrible at starting up conversations with people - especially if I barely know them. Put me in a room with people my age and I secretly cringe inside (I also believe I have a slight social anxiety problem) Sometimes I get so nervous that my mind starts working faster than my mouth and I mix up all my words. Put me in a room with five and six year olds and I'll do just fine - and teach those goobers to read while I'm at it! :)

I set my expectations too high. I always plan out the way I want things to go in my head, which usually takes the liking of a romantic comedy, but as I have found out life is not like the movies.

I can act like a jealous junior high girl when it comes to my husband.

Geez - I have issues. I still have no idea why I'm writing this, but for some strange reason I feel I tiny bit better after doing so. Go figure. And I'm sure if I sat here long enough I could add plenty more. But I think I'll cut myself a break for now. Please don't take this as I'm a depressed person in any way. I'm not. I just felt like getting that off my chest for some reason. I'm also pretty darn random most of the time. :)

1 comment:

Peas & Carrots said...

Awww :( I almost cried at this. I SO feel like all of those things you just described! Oh how I do miss those simple days of sitting in the hallway of Harper Hall at 1AM or walking around Target all day!

You're such an awesome sister friend, and I love ya despite your imaginary 'faults', lol :-)