Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Morning Park Visit

This morning when K got up it was very overcast. I had already made plans to go to the grocery store, but I told myself that if they weather would hold out I would take K to the park right before lunch. Lately it's just been too hot to do it during the day and by the time it cools off it's just about her bedtime. So around 10:00 we headed out to the park that is literally a minute from our house and it was perfect. There were only three other kids there so it made it so very nice. We went to check out the ducks first. Kaitlyn was waving and saying hi to them, but of course not while I was trying to film her. :P And for some reason I can't get that video not to crash when I try to upload it (I'm still learning this new iphone 4 thing) but hopefully I can get that one put up later!Well, it's halfway there - just no sound, but I'm not going to mess with it now. I'll try later.

Then we headed to the playground area. Kaitlyn has just recently found her love of sliding independently and probably climbed up the stairs and went down the slide at least 20 times by herself before I asked her if she was ready to go. And to my surprise she actually said, "Yes" and came right to me. I was worried she wouldn't want to leave, but poor baby must have worn herself out! She got her water and headed to the car.

Here's a video of her doing the slide all by herself. She scared me a few times, but she was just fine.

I know mornings like this morning are few in the Texas summers, but I'm so glad we squeezed one in there before school starts back up!

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