Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Down to One

I've been all about organizing since we moved - you might not believe it if you looked in my garage right now...that's a whole other story.  I did mention we moved right?  ;)

I'm also reading The Happiness Project Right Now and the main theme is basically do little things in your life to make it better.  You know, simplify, change your attitude, etc. etc.  The chapter I read last night talked about the author creating a blog.

Naturally, I started thinking back to this blog...and my blog about Kaitlyn...and my sad little excuse for a teaching blog.  About a year ago I decided to create "pages" on this blog to link my other two blogs here.  In my mind it just made more since to have 3 so that I could keep the topics separate.


That seriously makes no sense to me now.  I barely keep up with this blog, so what made me think having 3 different ones would help the situation?

And guess what?  I'm not a mom one day, myself the other day, and a teacher the next.  I'm all of those things each and every day, so who cares if it's all in one blog?

So this morning I spent hours (yes, hours) copying and pasting all my old posts onto this blog.  Then I deleted my other two blogs.  The teaching one wasn't hard to delete - I barely had anything on there.

I still have no idea how those "super teachers" can teach all day and then go home and blog about every little thing in their classroom while also making some cute unit on TPT.  Not me friends - sorry.  This chick has to rest and get in some quality family time when I get home from work!

But the blog about K was really hard for some reason.

As I said, I copied the post.  I couldn't figure out how to copy the comments with it, so if you are every looking back at some of my older posts you might see a comment from me that says, "*Because I moved this from my old blog*" and then the comments from other people.  I didn't want to lose them when I deleted the post and that's how I solved the problem.

If there was a way to export the entries with the comments please don't tell me.  I'd like to think I did it the best way that there was.  Thanks.  ;)

It was still sad in a way for me to click delete on that blog...I'm not sure why.  But I did it anyway.

So now I'm down to one blog and that's the way I'm keeping it.  So who knows what you'll read on this - it might be about my daughter, my classroom, or something random about me.  :)

Welcome to my crazy life that I try so hard to keep balanced!  :)

1 comment:

Leigh Anne said...

I love your crazy life! And you do a great job balancing it!!