Monday, June 24, 2013

Oven Chili Dogs

Goodness know I'm not the type of blogger that is going to make a picture perfect meal and post step by step how to make them - you know, along with all my amazing crafts, cleaning tips, blah, blah, blah.  Yeah. Stinking. Right.

But I will share a good recipe every now and then if I think someone else should make it.

You should make this one.  Trust me.

I was on a quest after eating a really yummy chili dog at one of Cody's favorite local places - Chop House Burgers.  I'm not the biggest fan of their burgers.  It's nothing against them.  I'm just not a huge fan of burgers in the first place.  Now their fries on the other hand - to die for!  They also make an awesome chili dog with this amazing crispy bun, so I decided to try to make one at home.

So, after some online "research" I found enough info to set out on my own creation based on what my family likes.

This is what I did - change to suit your family!  :)

First, I spread mustard on the inside of the buns.  Then, I chopped up some onion and sprinkled it on the bottom of the buns.  Next, I put the hot dogs in the bun (I'm kind of picky with my hot dogs and have to buy the Hebrew National beef ones).  On top of that I put chili and then grated some (okay, lots) of cheese on top.  I put them in the oven at 375 degrees until the cheese melted.

I got exactly what I was looking for.  :)  The bun was exactly the way I wanted it - crispy, but not hard.  It was super easy and very yummy!

I know it looks like we ate a lot, but I wrapped two and sent them with Cody for my brother-in-law who had two softball games back to back tonight.  ;)

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