Sunday, June 30, 2013

Out with the Old

Since we moved back in the Spring, I have been on a mission to get rid of things we don't need to hang onto anymore.  This process has been longer than I thought...mainly because I couldn't even think of doing it back when it was the end of school and now that it's summer, I'm doing while trying to entertain a 4 year old at the same time.  And my goodness she is a lot more fun than going through boxes.  :)

When I was younger I used to want to keep everything.  I couldn't even go outside when my parents had garage sales because I would get too emotional.  But with my own house, keeping things means clutter and I hate clutter, so it's much easier for me to get rid of things. 

Tonight though, got kind of tough again.  When K was itty bitty I apparently kept every single thing she had.  As she got bigger, I was wiser and got rid of a lot of things and only kept the really special pieces.

So as Cody and I were clearing out the garage some more tonight (I WILL be able to park my car in it again before school starts - I just have to keep telling myself that) we came across three tubs of baby clothes.  These were the baby clothes from when she was first born and from the first few months after. 

K was five and half weeks early, so she was tiny.  Something about going through those clothes tonight and seeing how small they were hurt my heart.  How is it that she is turning 5 this year?  It just doesn't seem possible that amount of time has already passed.

But I was very proud of myself.  I quickly went from 3 tubs full of baby clothes, to one tub not even halfway full and 5 trash bags of clothes for Mission Arlington.  I kept her first Christmas dress, baby dedication dress, her first Halloween costume, and a few other special outfits.  I also kept her first Rangers hat of course!  :) 

Cody knows me well enough to get things done when I say or else I might change my mind.  So that sweet husband of mine took all of those bags to Mission Arlington tonight.

At 9:30 at night. 

He was not taking any chances y'all.  ;)


Leigh Anne said...

Aww :( sweet baby K!! Proud of you though!!!

Heather said...

Hi There! My name is Heather! I have a quick question about you blog :-) If you could please email me at LifesABanquet1(at) that would be great!