Wednesday, July 3, 2013

If she only knew...

We leave for Disney on Sunday and I am seriously about to burst!  We have decided not to tell Kaitlyn.  This girl loves countdowns, but also loves to constantly ask or remind us how many days are left until something.  So, if a friend has a birthday party and it's in 4 days, she will remind us over and over that in 4 days it's so-and-so's party.  All.  Day.  Long.  It's cute about the first 5 times she does it, then about the 2,018th - not so much.  If you ask her not to mention it again she will wait a little while and then say something like, "In 4 days something is going to happen, but I can't talk about it."  Over and over.  

It's a vicious cycle my friends.

And this girl LOVES all things Disney.  So I can only imagine how often we would have to hear about going to Disney World if she knew.  Honestly though, it's been very fun for me to know this huge secret that I know will send her over the moon.  I'm actually very proud of how I've been able to keep it from her.  I've had to spell things if I'm talking to someone in front of her, sneak things back to my room after a shopping trip, and my mom and I have been working on outfits for each day.  And by working on them, I mean I look on Etsy, tweak a design to my liking, and then my amazingly talented mom creates it.  I did buy two really cute skirts to go with some of the shirts.  That counts for something too right??  ;)  I also made the bows that she'll be wearing, but honestly my mom has done all the hard stuff.  She's awesome.  Some might think all that is a bit over the top, but this is her first big vacation and I'm going to do it up big.  Judge if you will, but I'm loving every second of it.

My excitement is so hard to contain lately.  I'm thinking back to trips to Disney World with my family when I was little.  We were blessed to be able to go three times as a family - once when I was 4, then again in 6th grade and when I was a senior in high school.  I also went once in high school with choir.  Cody and I went to Disney World for our honeymoon.  Sounds weird, but trust me, there is a whole other side to Disney that can be very romantic and grown up.  We had a blast and Cody even mentioned going again before we had Kaitlyn, but we never did.

Now I'm getting excited about seeing Disney World through Kaitlyn's eyes.  Just last week when we went and saw Monster's University, she was amazed at seeing the picture version of Cinderella's castle come up on the movie screen before the movie started.  Her eyes were opened so widely and she just whispered, "Wow."  I had no choice but to tear up at that very moment.  Just the thought of the amazement she will have when she sees the real castle overwhelmed me.  I can hardly wait!

I've decided to post some evidence of her love for Disney.  :)

Last week she begged me to roll her hair so that she could have curls like Aurora.  (Please excuse the rocking 90s wallpaper in her bathroom.  I have yet to tackle that project in our new house.)

In the morning, after I took the rollers out, she decided to dress herself.  Of course she picks the Aurora dress and crown.  :)

Then yesterday, she was playing and I caught this gem.
Have I mentioned I'm excited about Sunday??? :)

Our plan is to wake her up that morning and surprise her with the news.  Without fail, every night Kaitlyn asks us as we are putting her to bed, "What's tomorrow?"  She is very particular about knowing what is going in her life the next day.  So we have to go over what we'll do.  Normally on Saturdays we say, "Church, lunch and then home."  So that's what she'll go to bed thinking on Saturday night.  Then we will wake her up (super early) on Sunday and somehow tell her. (I haven't thought that one all the way through just yet.)  But it will involve showing her the adorable shirt my mom made her that says, "I'm Going to Disney World."

I found that skirt yesterday after I decided that the plain black one she already had wasn't Disney enough.  Yep.  I'm a dork.  It was actually a Hello Kitty one, but I love everything else about it, so I bought it (on sale from Macy's with an extra coupon - score!) and just cut the Hello Kitty charm off.  Simple fix.

My fear is that I've been building up this moment in my mind for months now and she'll react with a simple, "Okay."  I guess we'll see...

IN.  FOUR.  DAYS.  :)  :)  :)

1 comment:

Leigh Anne said...

"something I can't talk about", ha! love her! So excited for yall. She will LOVE it.