Sunday, July 21, 2013

My first "Linky Party"

I'm doing a first for my blog - joining a "linky party"...or at least I'm going to try to!  I hope I do it right!  :)

The "assignment" is to tell 10 Things I've Learned from Teaching and it came from the Miss Kindergarten blog.

Here goes nothing! 

1.  Teachers constantly need to explain themselves at places like Target and Walmart.  It looks a tad bit odd when you're buying things like glue sticks, chocolate chips, and blindfolds all at the same time.  Then again, sometimes it might just be better to let them wonder....

2.  This goes along with number 1 - teachers spend A LOT of money....more than you think.  And there's really no reason to say you won't do it each year.  You're going to do it.  Good thing we get paid the big bucks...oh wait.  

3.  Books MUST be read before you read them aloud to a class of kiddos.  Just trust me on this one friends.  My first year I taught kindergarten and I thought reading a book called The Big Hairy Gorilla (or something like that) was a safe bet during our zoo unit.  Nope.  Let's just say that the aide in my room was in tears by the middle of the book because she was trying to hold back her laughter.

4.  Catching a huge moth outside and putting it in your butterfly habitat might seem like a great on the spot science observation lesson.  But be sure to clean the habitat out after you let the moth go - you know - in case the moth lays a bunch of eggs and you open your cabinet one day only to find hundreds of little caterpillars.  I still have nightmares.

5.  French accents (or anything similar) are a great way to quickly get the kiddos' attention back.  I prom-es!  ;)

6.  One of the hardest parts of your job will be keeping a straight face when a kid has gas -especially when the kid scrunches up his face and says, "Sorry guys, but there's more coming."

7.  Kids with headphones on in the computer lab can make for some really awesome laughs.

8.  You can find out a lot about what goes on in a child's house by their writing each day.  Some of those stories don't need to make it to publishing...and might need to somehow disappear before Open House.  ;)

9.  There is no such thing as too much caffeine for a teacher during the school day - especially the first week of school, the last week of school, and the week before Christmas.

10.  Teaching is the most exhausting, difficult, and frustrating job at times, but my goodness, when you get a note or hug that comes along with a "Thanks for helping me learn" it suddenly becomes worth every stress and tear!


Unknown said...

I loved reading your top 10. I am fairly close to you I live in Bossier City, Louisiana. I am always glad to find other bloggers in the neighborhood. I can't wait to read more post. If you get a chance go and check out my top 10. Thanks for sharing.


Leigh Anne said...

Look at you Miss Blogger!! So proud :) and LOVE this list. Yes to every single one of them!

kinder-gardening said...

Your list had me laughing the whole way through! Wonderful!!! I love your sense of humor! I hope you'll hop over and look at my top ten- I hope they make you laugh too! I'm a new follower!