Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Madness Continues

Painting - check

Organizing - NOT. EVEN. CLOSE.

In attempts to start the organizing process, I thought it would be best to start getting the big pieces of furniture in roughly the areas I wanted them to go in.  Have I mentioned that there is zero air during all this?  That's right - we painted with no air on.  So I went up late one night and started moving things around...again with the absence of air.

I managed to get the desks how I like them for now.  I'm going to stick to my Kagan "teams" and partners next year, so I kept that in mind.  I've never had desks before - I've always had tables.  I think I might like the extra storage desks have to offer.  We'll see.

So here's what the craziness looks like now!

There are zillions of little readers everywhere!  I'm hoping I can share the wealth and maybe keep some and "donate" to the bookroom.  Surely the rest of the teachers don't store that many in their rooms!

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