I was getting really worried about Kaitlyn's lack of words a few
months ago. She was always gabbering and making up her own words. She
had lots of inflection and could copy our's, but the real words weren't
coming as much as I thought they should be. I even asked our school's
speech teacher if I should be worried. She said at that point her
receptive language was more important - did she understand me and do
simple tasks that I asked her to and could she point to pictures when I
asked her what they were. Kaitlyn was fine in that department so I was a
little less worried, but I still thought she needed more words. Our
speech teacher told me not to worry about it until she was two. She
told me that's when there is supposed to be a "word explosion." Well, a
few weeks into the summer I noticed a small boom of sorts. :) Now it
seems as if every day Kaitlyn picks up several new words and I am no
longer a nervous mama! Now, she still has her fair share of
"Kaitlynese" words as we call it, but as I said, I'm not worried
anymore. I thought it might be a good idea to try and make a list of
some of the words that she is using right now. I'm sure I'll forget
some, but it will be nice to look back at this a few months from now and
see how far she's come. :)
Kaitlyn's current words:
Mama, Daddy, Darcy, Nonnie, Papaw, Memaw (which should be
Grandma...we're working on that one!), Granddaddy, yum-yum, cheese,
milk, pizza, pancake, fruit, nana (for banana), apple, fish, turtle,
puppy, elephant, monkey, cow, pig, horse, sheep, cat, octopus, crab,
zebra, up, down, off, no, yes, poop, pee-pee, bye-bye, Casey, baby,
book, bug-a-bug, purple, green, pink, Foofa, Toodie, Brobie, Plex, Muno,
Elmo, Minnie Mouse, frog, clock, outside, shoes, cracker, phone, potty,
hi, you okay, what's that, funny, oh no, bird, where "daddy" go (insert
ANYTHING she wants to know where is for "daddy"), let's go, nose, eyes,
tummy, feet, ears, head, teeth, mouth, hat, ball, tree, bus, spoon,
fork, cup, this, please, bite, thank you, pretty, church, shake, stop
sure I've left off some and I might add more later as it comes to me or
I hear it! :) I just know that the list will be more than doubled in a
few months!